“We all have the ability to connect with the Divine part of us,
$400 - (4 - 6 hours)
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) is a beautiful, deep, and transformational technique for healing. Developed by Dolores Cannon over decades of research and practice, this technique is far more than a past life regression. It takes you beyond a simple past life into communication with the part of you that loves you completely, knows what you can do to reach your full potential, and can heal the emotional and physical imbalances that you may be experiencing in this lifetime. We call this part our Higher Self; Dolores called it the SubConscious, or SC.
What is QHHT?
Every session is dedicated to helping you connect with your Highest Self. This is what sets QHHT® apart from traditional Past Life Therapies. It is all about connecting with your deepest wisdom and unconditional loving Self. This is accomplished through conducting each session exactly as Dolores conducted her sessions. In the 5-6 hours we spend together, it includes 3 parts:
The Interview
In the interview we discuss your reasons for wanting a QHHT® session, your life story and all the important people and events that have made you who you are today. We will also go over the list of questions you have prepared for your Higher Self to answer as well as any healings you are requesting. The interview usually lasts around 2 hours depending on how complex your life is, but there is really no time limit. It takes however long it takes.
The Regression & The Higher Self
I then induce you into the deepest state of trance through guided imagery and relaxation techniques. In this deep Theta state, memories from past lives are unlocked and from here we will explore at least one life in great detail. Reliving a past life can help you heal and release old emotional pain and traumas. My favorite part of every session is next - when I make contact with your Higher Self (Super Conscious, Subconscious, Over Soul - whatever you like to call them!). Here I pose to them your questions and ask for guidance and healing. This is typically the most profound part of any session.
The Debrief
Finally, I bring you back to your regular waking state and discuss all you have just experienced. It may take you a few days, if not longer, to process your session, but the more you listen back to the audio recording I provide to you, the more cemented the messages and healings will be.
Remember, this is your day. A time to let go of expectations, worries, and problems. It is time to relax, be curious, and open your heart and mind into the fullness of who you know you can be. The experience of relaxing deeply and connecting with a deeper part of yourself will forever open a door for you into enhanced awareness.
How to Prepare for Your
Your Higher Self guided you into creating this QHHT® experience for yourself. Here are some things that will help you maximize your QHHT® experience:
1. Remember that your higher self is working with you before, during and after the session. You are not alone, have never been alone and your session is the opportunity for you to feel the connection that has always been part of your human experience.
2. Set your intention for the session. Your intention may be to know your purpose, get direction on a relationship, heal a physical issue. Whatever it is, know that your Higher Self is quite aware of what it is that will best serve you. Now you can relax, let go and let the process unfold organically and easily.
3. If you've watched YouTube videos of QHHT® sessions or sessions on Facebook, leave your expectations of what will happen in 'your' personal session, which is unique to you, before coming. No two sessions are alike. You may experience a past life, stay in current life or have another experience. You will be taken to where there is information that will most benefit you in your life right now.
4. Before your session, try to pay attention to your dreams leading up to your appointment. Write them down if you can. They can be messages for you, and they can help with your session. If you do not already meditate, it’s a good time to start. At the very least, give yourself quiet time daily to quiet your mind (just 10 minutes a day can be extremely helpful).
5. Bring your list of questions. Many people come into sessions with lists that range from one question to a full page or so. It might be helpful to separate your lists into one for physical or health issues and one for emotional or personal life issues. Put the priority issues at the beginning. Please handwrite or type your lists onto paper as I may ask to see and use them during the session.
Sample questions may include but are not limited to :
What is my life purpose?
Am I on the right path?
What do I need to pay attention to?
Why was I born into this family?
What am I meant to learn?
I have a career decision to make, what should I do?
What do I need to do to bring love or a partner into my life?
I'm thinking about moving, what do I need to focus on in making this decision?
The world seems upside down right now. What are the best thoughts or actions I can take?
Why do I have this illness?
What is the message I'm meant to receive?
What steps do I need to take to release this from my life?
Some people ask general questions about the New Earth, or humanity's evolution.
We will go over these questions in the interview and you may even find that some of them get answered even before you move into the session itself! Almost without exception, clients will leave with less attachment to the questions they brought and more trust in the wisdom of their own knowing and potential.
6. Do not drink alcohol the day before or of the session and limit any caffeine. If you are used to drinking 3 cups, have one or none. Drinking a lot of water the day before the session will help to flush out your body, hydrate you and elevate your energies into having a clear connection.
7. Eat lightly before you come in, and/or bring a light snack if you need to eat at regular intervals. We could be together for up to 6 hours. If you smoke, see if you can forego the cigarette break for the time we are together.
8. In the days or weeks before your session, give your imagination some free rein. Draw, daydream, pretend, vision an amazing future. The imagination is the bridge between the conscious mind and the higher self and the more comfortable you feel with how it works, the more fun you will have in your session.
9. Your session will be recorded. You may remember some, all or nothing of your session while you were hypnotized so a recording is great and actually important to your process after we meet. The more you hear yourself, the more easily the changes can stick. If you have your own recording device, feel free to bring it.
10. Tune into some Dolores videos or books, for the pure fun and energetic connection of being in her energy. She is present in every session so connecting with her beforehand is a delight to all.
11. KNOW you are going to have a great session and look forward to having a day just for you!